Tuesday, May 27, 2008

BRING Recycle Fair

This Sunday a decent collection of Eugene Etsy members supported the BRING recycle Fair by showing up and hawking our goods! Okay, there was no hawking going on, but we did enjoy setting up our wares and being a part of such a flegdling event. Last month was the first time they put the event on and with only four vendors then this months nearly one dozen was a vast improvement.
Here was our little vendor alley:

Here is Pam with a customer who bought one of her wrist cuffs:

Pam's booth featuring leather cuffs from her Dingle Wear shop.

Susan's hidey-hole where she was surrounded by a lush forest of her recycled jean purses and eggs! I know that she sold one of her little pockets and made a fine trade with a fellow artist.

Novena's nook of re-purposed records. People loved her bags (and they were even featured on the news clip!) She worked on one of her pop bottle tab bracelets while she chatted with customers.

This was my little table of upcycled purses. They are made from felted wool sweaters and old display curtains from a major retailer tossing them into the trash. These items are not on my Etsy site and for the time being will only be at this particular event.

Mari is a fellow Etsy artist who is new to the Eugene Etsy group. I fell in love with her "Things With Wings" upcycled art dolls. Their faces vary from being made with silk, cotton, leather and anything in between!

Pictured here is Susie with the MECCA display. I have only recently heard of them but apparently they began more than a decade ago and is a great place to pick of low cost recyclable materials for artwork!


tonguetied said...

Candice - Mari here. Susan sent me the info for the blog. I got a kick out of the photo. My mama will love it! I checked out your Etsy too, beautiful stuff. Perhaps I'll see you at the meeting.

Aly- Bliss Monkey Studio said...

Nice article!!! I'm glad everyone had fun. When is the next fair?


Candice Westberg said...

Aly, thanks! I believe BRING would like to make the event monthly, landing on the last Sunday of each month. Hope to see you there next month!

Mari, I'm glad you like the photo! In the second one I took you weren't smiling but your eyes were open. I thought this one was cuter! See you at the meeting, or the next BRING event!
