Friday, January 23, 2009

Winter Folk Festival In Florence (with Devorah Dolphin!)

Devorah Dolphin was very excited to get to go to the Winter Folk Festival in Florence with me. So excited, she could barely wait and she anxiously climbed on my luggage while I finished getting ready!

She claimed shotgun before I even got to the car!

Catherine of Bobcat Beads was quite a bit more easygoing once we got to the fair to set up.

I was happy with my new display for my earrings next door at Silly Dolphins Jewelry

This was the first time I didn't have a big heavy box or something behind my display!

I moved the earring display forward the next day, but I like to make use of any kind of doublesided booth when I can, like here--

Practical Rabbit, as always, looked just out of this world!!

Alley was surprisingly awake!!

Practical Rabbit was next to the entrace area. All of our booth spaces were visible from the seating area where diners would sit.

Some Prettys.

Some more prettys.

Some more prettys of a different sort. These are some of Lovely Jewels opulent jewelry.
Who is that hiding in the back?

It's Jennie!!

I think she wanted to hide a little.

But she can't hide when I put my camera over our heads.

Later that night, Devorah Dolphin was so excited, she had trouble settling down.

She finally got cozy though.

But was wide awake early and watching the sun rise when I got up!

She was a bit rambunctious back at the festival....

...getting into things....

...getting out of things....

...jumping over things (here, some of Bobcat Beads fabric origami boxes and fabric bead bracelets)...

I had her take a Time Out over by my stuff.

But even though she was being a little hyperactive, she is a good hearted dolphin after all. So soon, I took her over to visit with Alley back at Practical Rabbit.

She tried to help Alley out by doing a little modeling. Quite an endeavour considering she doesn't have arms or legs!
She did her best.

I should have realised she might be getting a little hungry...

Not sure how that mushroom reacted with her, hmmm....

She tried to help Alley demonstrate what NOT to do with little felted gnomes by singing and acting out a little song. Lets see....ummm...
"Little gnomes like to come out to play!
They like to see the light of day!
They don't like being stuck up in holes!
Like in your mouth! Or in your nose!
They don't like playing stuck in your ear!
They don't like being stuck up your rear!
errr, I forget the rest. But they did a rousing chorus!

Afterwards, she did some dolphin tricks.

(So she said, I think she was trying to eat this guy.)

After her dancing and singing a prankster tricks she was thirsty so she had a little water and settled down again.

She was very chill on the way home.